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Breeding Feet On The Simulator – How To Do Exercise Right?

Breeding feet on the simulator is a popular exercise for working out the lateral surface of the buttocks. It’s popular with women because, when combined with other lower body exercises, it gives the hips a rounded shape, thereby emphasizing the waistline.

What muscles does the exercise target?

The following muscles work when breeding feet on the simulator:

  • Target muscles: gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. These muscles bear the bulk of the load

  • Additional: tensor fasciae latae muscle, spinal extensors, quadratic lumbar muscles, and abs

breeding feet on the simulator: exercise efficiency

Remember, breeding feet on the simulator is a supplementary exercise. Its single execution won’t allow you to create a beautiful and harmonious figure. It should be included in a comprehensive legs and buttocks workout.

Some machines allow you to recline the seat. By performing the exercise in such a position, you’ll maximize the load on the target muscles – the gluteus medius and minimus. If you keep your torso straight or lean forward, the upper gluteus maximus will work.

To fully work out the gluteus muscle during the exercise, try changing the angle of your body. While inhaling, tilt your body forward slightly, then lean back while keeping your back straight.

Exercise technique

Breeding feet on the simulator is performed on a special simulator. First of all, you need to set the weight. For men, the recommended weight is 20 to 25 kg. For women – from 10 to 20 kg. Finding the right weight is a snap. Start with a midpoint and try to do at least 10-15 reps. If you manage to complete the exercise, and a strong burning sensation appears in the muscles of the legs, the weight is selected correctly.

breeding feet on the simulator: exercise technique

1Take the starting position. Sit on the machine with your thighs between the side supports. Grasp the handles. Straighten your chest and back. Now you may start the exercise.
2While inhaling, tighten your abs and spread your legs as much as possible to the sides. Hold it for a few seconds.
3Slowly return to the starting position and exhale. Your legs should move towards each other not under the pressure of the simulator, but slightly resisting it. We do not completely relax the muscles and perform the movement completely under control.

Depending on your preparation, repeat the described movement 15–20 times. Take a break for 30 seconds and do another 1-2 sets. Alternate sets with other exercises.

If you’re looking to build muscle and burn fat, supplement your leg exercises with medium-intensity cardio. Always end with a stretch.

Useful Tips

How can you make the exercise more effective?

  • Make sure that the movement is made only at the expense of the hip joint. The knee and ankle joints are not involved

  • Avoid using inertial force in your movements

  • Do not completely bring your legs together. Keep your muscles tense

  • Turn your feet outward. Now you can better work out the buttocks

Exercise efficiency

Coaches, like the athletes themselves, often criticize the exercise, primarily because it works on the gluteus medius muscle, and its size is small. It’s quite difficult to work this muscle so that the buttocks noticeably increase. Moreover, due to its small size, it spends little energy, so you should not expect a serious fat-burning effect from the exercise.

breeding feet on the simulator: working muscles

However, it does not mean that breeding feet on the simulator are useless. You just need to understand why they are needed and with what exercises, they should be combined.

Coaches distinguish two categories of people for whom it’s definitely suitable. The first one is newbies. Often, those who are just starting to master training find it difficult to perform the basic complex. Breeding feet will help tone the muscles, which will later allow the body to better cope with the load.

The second category is girls. The rounded shape of the buttocks is often the goal of training. Training of the gluteus medius muscles together with the gluteus maximus allows you to form a beautiful and harmonious figure. It’s often enough to make the body perfect.

Male athletes use the exercise for pre-fatigue or when working on the muscles of the lower body.

In fat-burning training, when the exercises are performed in a circle one after the other, the exercise is used at the end of the circle as a rest, while complex energy-intensive movements are put at the beginning.

Thus, breeding feet on the simulator can be an important part of a comprehensive hip and glute workout.

I'm a professional fitness instructor and nutritionist, runner, husband and father. I do my best in providing the right guidance when it comes to the grounds of sexual health, nutrition and common fitness.

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