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Bulgarian Lunges – Full Legs And Glutes Workout

The Bulgarian lunges or squats are a sophisticated version of the classic lunges, in which the back leg is placed on a bench or step. Such exercise technique allows you to focus the load on the muscles in front of the standing leg. The exercise with dumbbells is most convenient. However, you can use a barbell or do without weights if you are a beginner.

What muscles do lunges work?

Lunges with a support leg on an elevation affect the muscles of the front and back of the thighs. They also perfectly work out the gluteal muscles. The exercise helps to shape the legs and glutes into a relief shape.

Working muscles:

  • Quads – Front of the thigh

  • Gluteus maximus muscles

  • The hamstrings are the back surface

  • Stabilizers: gluteus medius and small, core muscles

If you do an exercise with dumbbells, some static load goes to the muscles of the arms.

Bulgarian lunges benefits

Bulgarian squats are recommended for athletes who already have training experience. The exercise isn’t the easiest. Because you need to not only do all the work with the muscles of one leg, instead of two but also keep balance.

So why are all these complications necessary? What are the advantages of doing this exercise for training the legs and buttocks, compared to classic lunges and squats?

  • As has been said, you do all the work with the muscles of the front standing leg. The only function of the leg is to support you that you don’t fall. This allows you to work out the target muscles as efficiently as possible. In addition, you can control the load on the right and left legs. If one leg falls behind, you can load it harder.

  • Balance training. You’ll need to engage an array of core stabilizer muscles to maintain balance while moving. The skill of maintaining balance will come in handy in many other exercises

  • The hip joints develop flexibility and mobility

  • The gluteus muscles of the working leg get a good stretch at the bottom of the movement. Accordingly, the amplitude of muscles contraction increases, which makes the training more effective.

  • During the movement, you don’t need to bend your body forward, as in the classic squat. This reduces the stress on the spine.

Moreover, the exercise is great for training at home. It’s not demanding on inventory. You can work out Bulgarian lunges in front of the TV. Just place your supporting leg on the couch and get good training.

Bulgarian lunges in Smith machine

But, in fairness, it’s worth noting the disadvantages of the exercise:

  • The Bulgarian split squat increases strain on the knee joint. That disadvantage goes from the first advantage of the exercise – the concentration of weight on one leg. Such a load is contraindicated for people with knee problems.

  • Beginners with no training experience will have problems with an exercise technique. In this case, it is better to save the exercise for later.

Bulgarian lunges or split squats can be used for muscle training after the barbell squat. They are also well suited for terrain work. It’s more of a formative than a weight gain exercise. You also won’t be using heavyweights.

Exercise technique

Warm your knee joints well before Bulgarian lunges. Consider the most popular exercise option – lunges with dumbbells.

The exercise has the following technique:

1Take dumbbells. Go to the bench and stand with your back to it. Take a wide step forward with one leg and place the other on a bench. Lower your arms with dumbbells along the body. It’s your starting position.

2Keeping the body straight with a natural arch in the back, squat on your working leg. Your thigh should be parallel to the floor. The knee of the leg shouldn’t go beyond the toe line during squatting. The center of gravity is at the heel of the working leg. The toe doesn’t come off the floor. The knee of the supporting leg goes down freely.

3Push your heel off the floor and return to the starting position.


Repeat the exercise 10-15 reps and change legs. Perform 3-4 sets for each side. Increase the load on the leg if it requires special attention.

Useful tips

Pay attention to the following subtleties for Bulgarian lunges that your workouts bring the desired results:

  • Keep the lower leg strictly vertical during squats on the working leg. Knee and toe point forward. The anatomical position of the joints is important in the exercise.

  • Keeping balance with dumbbells is much easier than with a barbell. The load on the spine is also less. You can work with a barbell in the Smith machine. In other cases, you should prefer exercise with dumbbells.

  • Use small or at least medium weights. You may do exercise without weight or use small dumbbells when learning it.

  • If your goal is leg mass, then choose classic squats and lunges. Use Bulgarian lunges to give your legs and buttocks the perfect shape and relief.

  • Keep your back straight. Don’t bend forward.


By adding the Bulgarian-style split squat into your workouts, you can effectively work the muscles of your legs and glutes. You also give your lower body a beautiful athletic shape. Listen to your feelings. Rest and make your workouts more productive every day.

I'm a professional fitness instructor and nutritionist, runner, husband and father. I do my best in providing the right guidance when it comes to the grounds of sexual health, nutrition and common fitness.

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