Turkish get-ups, performed with a kettlebell or dumbbells, is an excellent functional exercise. It develops the musculature of the whole body, trains coordination and balance. Doing it will require you to have basic physical fitness and some experience with weight. Exercise is actively used in CrossFit and kettlebell lifting.
Benefits of exercise
Turkish get-ups are a whole sequence of movements that must be performed to get up from a prone position with a kettlebell in an outstretched hand and then return to it. Even doing it without weight is not an easy task. During the different phases of the exercise, the muscles of the core, shoulders, legs, and arms work. In other words, the main advantage of exercise is that it loads the entire musculature, forcing the various muscle groups to work in harmony and coordination.
In addition, the inclusion of the exercise in the training program will allow:
Make the tendons more elastic and the joints mobile. Strengthening the shoulder joints and arm muscles in particular. It helps a lot when doing other strength exercises like the military press, arm raises, etc
It’ll teach you how to keep balance, perform movements in combination
Burn a lot of energy, which is important when losing weight
It is also worth noting that Turkish get-ups should be avoided in case of shoulder injuries. Either do them without weights or use a kettlebell or dumbbell of minimum weight.
Technique of Turkish get-ups
Describing the technique, it’s important, on the one hand, to divide the complex movement into several phases, so that it is easier to navigate in the sequence of their execution, and on the other hand, not to tighten the instruction too much, so that when reading the last lines, the first ones are not forgotten.

The sequence of lifting the kettlebell
So Turkish kettlebell get-ups are done like this:
Half of the exercise ends here, however, to complete the cycle, you also need to lower yourself correctly. All movements are performed in reverse order:
“When you need to change your hand during the exercise, do it in a standing position, at the top of the movement.”
Do the exercise 5 times on each side in one set. There can be 2 or 3 such sets, depending on your level of training.
Here are some helpful tips to help you get the most out of your workouts:
To load the shoulders, Turkish get-ups can be combined with military press or side raises
Start with lifts at the start of your workout while your muscles are still not fatigued by another load
Don’t bend the wrist in which you are holding the kettlebell
Practice the technique with a minimum weight kettlebell and only then increase the weight
Do it regularly, and Turkish get-ups will work all your muscles and improve coordination.