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Sissy squats are an unusual exercise for working out the lower quadriceps. You can pay attention to it if you want to improve the shape of your legs. The exercise is popular among experienced athletes. They have powerful muscles thanks to basic exercises. And the legs only require relief of individual areas.
Exercise anatomy
The quads (lower half) take the most load during the Sissy squats. In addition, the calf muscles, glutes, and hamstrings work.
Pay special attention to the work of the joints. Exercise puts more stress on the knees. At the lowest point of movement, the knee joints are brought forward beyond the toe line. Such posture is traumatic. It’s the only disadvantage of the exercise, due to which athletes rarely add it to their training program. Sissy squats are contraindicated for any knee injury.
Doing exercise with care, even you don’t have knee problems. The benefit for muscle development should not pose a risk of injury. Don’t use weights too. Bodyweight is enough to maximize the load on the lower quadriceps.
Sissy squats are useful for developing flexibility and mobility in the ankle. It also participates in the movement.
Place in the training program
Sissy squat, performed on toes with support, is an unusual exercise. First, think about what tasks you plan to solve with it. The purpose of these squats is ‘effective correction of body proportions. Sissy squats are not suitable for gaining leg mass.
There are two different approaches to the squat technique. Some people prefer to use them to warm up before squats. In this case, Sissy squats act as a warming exercise, preparing the muscles for intense stress. Other athletes use Sissy squats to stretch their muscles. In this case, add the exercise at the end of your workout program.
Sissy squat technique
Let’s take a closer look at the exercise technique:
Some athletes prefer to do Sissy squats in a sports machine called the Hack machine. It allows you to work out the quadriceps even more efficiently.
Common mistakes
Sissy squats with support may seem like a simple exercise. But it isn’t. Use the following tips to minimize injury and load quads to the maximum.
Avoid sudden movements and inertia. Squat as slowly as possible. Hold on to the support
Abandon the weights until you have mastered the exercise technique
It makes sense to do the Sissy squats in the middle of a workout or at the end of your leg exercises. First, warm up your knee joints and then do a Sissy squats. A few minutes of warm-up exercises will keep you safe from injury
If you add aerobic exercises to your training program, your body will develop harmoniously. If your goal is legs, a bicycle is perfect for you
Do as many reps as possible. Finish the set when there is a strong burning sensation in the muscles
Do you feel pain or discomfort in the knee joint during exercise? Replace squats with a safer exercise
Sissy squats will help those who want to achieve the perfect shape of the quads. Unlike dumbbell or barbell squats, they don’t increase the size and muscle mass of the thighs. Therefore, combine them with other leg exercises in supersets.